The World According To My Gypsy Heart

The Journey Continues...

Monday, May 3, 2010

From one "Mad farmer" to another

Wendell Berry is a poet, activist, environmentalist, and Jesus follower. In the 1970's he wrote a poem entitled: Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front. I discovered this poem about a year ago & it has become a sort of personal battle cry.

You see, in Berry's poem he calls us to "take all that you have and be poor"; "be joyful though you have considered all the facts"; "everyday do something that won't compute"; and my personal favorite: "Invest in the millenium. Plant sequoias. Say that your main crop is the forest that you did not plant, that you will not live to harvest."

This poem speaks to the Kingdom call within my soul. I feel this poem from my depths because I am a Christ follower & a daughter of man. I understand the truth of generational blessing because I have seen it played out in my life & in my the same way I have known the generational curses of my family. I have come to understand that my part in this world, in reaping what I did not plant, is to plant blessings for those who will reap what I have sown. I plant for more than just my direct line too. God has called me into community life with amazing people whose hearts long to know their Father's. As I sow, I sow with their children in mind. I sow for my nieces & nephew. I sow for my brother & sister. I sow in honor of those who have come before; my mother, grandmothers, aunts & uncles. I sow for the earthly family I have been given, but also for my Heavenly family. Father, may I never despise Your bride; give me Your eyes for the church.

Sequoias are known to grow tall & strong. These trees can grow to be over 350 ft. tall & they can be as big around as a Greyhound bus. They are basically fire resistant, are not easily diseased & manage to keep bugs away. Their root systems are very shallow. They have a lateral system that intertwines with other trees roots to aid in support. I love that even God's designs in nature reflect relationship. He desires that we grow in wisdom & knowledge towards Him; He desires that we build in community & support one another; He desires that our faith be so strong that sickness, plagues, even fire would not threaten our lives. These trees are ancient; & our faith is in THE ancient truth.

I want to plant seeds of faith in the world that will grow into sequoias for those I will never know. I want to count nothing as mine, but offer everything I have been given to those who need it more. I want to love & have a joyful, peaceful spirit regardless of the outward circumstances. I want to travel the world making friends with the least... Because I know the ONE, TRUE Father who created me to love and gave Himself as an example of how it's done.